Meeting with Highways England 4th June 2019 Very productive meeting with Highways England in Parliament this afternoon. I stressed the importance of solving the congestion problem on Southampton Road/A36... Local News
Neurorehabilitation in South Wiltshire 22nd May 2019 In the light of deep and continuing concern about the future of Glenside, its patients and its staff, I am more mindful than ever of the importance of... Articles
Opening Pantry Partnership Facilities 10th May 2019 It was a brilliant morning in Victoria Park where I helped to officially open the new the Pantry Partnership facilities! The Pantry Partnership are a social... Local News
Another jam-packed Friday! 3rd May 2019 It's been another jam-packed Friday in and around Salisbury - visiting schools and meeting with businesses and charities. This morning started at Burgate School... Local News
Opening of the Bishop's Mill 4th April 2019 Following a difficult year, it was great to support the opening of the Bishop's Mill. I look forward to a busy summer season ahead! Local News
Ultrafast Full Fibre Broadband for Salisbury! 19th March 2019 I’m thrilled with today’s announcement by Openreach that they have chosen Salisbury to be their first entire city in the UK to have ultrafast full fibre... Local News
Celebrating UK Parliament Week 13th November 2018 During this week, there are various events and opportunities to celebrate UK Parliament Week, working with organisations such as Scouts, Girlguiding and the... Articles
Work Experience Opportunities! 6th November 2018 Every year I am thrilled to be inundated with requests from students to come and spend time on work experience with me and my office - both here at Westminster... Local News
Novichok: Six months on 5th September 2018 Over the past six months, the National Counter Terrorism Policing Network has undertaken a meticulous and painstaking investigation into the despicable crime... Articles