Preserving the Environment

Preserving the environment is not a partisan issue. The government is determined that the UK will continue to be the leading major economy in reducing carbon emissions, developing modern environmental policies and setting out strategies to support sustainable living. These initiatives have been set out in the 25 Year Environment Plan. In Salisbury, local measures have also been taken to introduce e-bikes, make our streets cleaner and promote recycling. We can, and I believe we will, be the first generation to leave the environment in a better state than we inherited it.


Discussion on Climate Change

Great to be with representatives of the Wiltshire Climate Alliance and Deputy Leader of Wiltshire Council Richard Clewer this afternoon to discuss a range of climate change issues including green finance, building standards and transport.

Great British September Clean

It was great to be out in Bishopdown this morning with a team of local Conservative councillors taking part in the Great British September Clean. Lots of rubbish collected in very windy conditions!